Friday, February 24, 2006

Sweet Home Alabama!

I'm going home to Alabama this weekend.. helping the ol' folks move into their home :)

Closing on the House isn't for a few more days which my mom is super duper excited about, but we get to move everything into it's place.

I may have to go back and decorate my room!! hahaha... all that shit from high school.

Anyway, I'm sure there will be a shit ton of stuff I will have forgotten I had. I can't wait to see the house completed!! It makes me happy when my parents are happy.

I love you Mom and Dad!!

P.S. (to someone that hates me) Thank you for an entire post dedicated completely to the thought of making me look like an ass. I really appreciate it. Having something dedicated to me makes me feel so special be it because you dislike me or like me. It means that I have some sort of special spot in your life/heart. I feel special. Thank you. Now you have a special spot in my heart. Can you feel the love emminating from all of this!! I feel so much closer to you now!!

Ahhh... bitter sarcasm. I LOVE IT!!!

Sunday, February 19, 2006


as I was watching TV I saw something about 9/11 and how it could have been "prevented."

First off.... I am not anit-war. I'm all for kicking ass if other countries are out of line. But not when the under lying problem is getting what we want... oil.

I don't really give a shit what the rest of you think I'm just getting my opinion out there. So no bashing comment are allowed.

Personally, I think that had the government taken all that money given to the military to invade the Middle East and put it toward finding fuel substitutions, we could have avoided this whole situation the U.S. is in right now. We wouldn't be in incredible debt. Fuck... put Clinton back in office! Things were going great! Who cares if he had an affair! He was an excellent leader...

Just my opinion...

homework and laundry to do.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Hallmark Holiday

aka National Singles Awareness Day or for those of you with bfs/gfs.... Valentine's Day...


National Condom Day (for those of you that use them...)

I realize that this day is over rated and you don't need have a designated day to show how much you love someone. That's what every day is for. But for the first time in the history of me I actually have some one to celebrate a National "Holiday" with. It feels good. Now I realize that all my tears shed over the fact that I was alone and hated the world for "singling" me out ...were worth it. They were all worth it.

I've never been taken out on a date for valentine's day before (unless it was by myself... sad huh?). I've been to a dance, but I wasn't "with" anyone I really LOVED!!

I love you David Zachary Mokry!!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


So my prediction was right on organic...


Yup.... but don't worry. Everything on the test wasn't covered in class

So anything they teach i'll know not to study.. just everything else they don't mention.
Organic professors are so oblivious and dumb.

anyway, so I now have a C in organic (at least the grading curve gives me something to look forward too... the higest score was a 99. That means the teachers aren't doing their job correctly.)

I took the biochem test today. I think I made in the B range. But it was the most awfully put together test in the history of all tests... worse than organic. Nothing had any application to it. Not to mention that who the fuck cares what the basis for heme is.... AARRGG!!!

BOOO for ochem and biochem.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Happy to report that I got a 95 on my physics exam! w00t!!!! heheh

I'm soo elated!!

Now I can fail my biochem test and almost not care! But I will still try my hardest!!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Organic Chemistry...

makes me want to gouge my eyes out, run head first into a brick wall, cover myself in gasoline and light myself on fire.

That's a beautiful picture isn't it?

Yeah... so I definitely feel as if I got a C... maybe a D... could have even failed!!!! But right now... I'm over it. I'm over Organic Chemistry. If I had a dick... I'd tell it to suck it. But seeming as how I do not possess that which I supposedly envy (according to David and Freud), I cannot.

Now onto Physics... I have a test in that tomorrow afternoon. David has a hard butt test tomorrow too. Hopefully we will do well on our tests. I have 8am organic lab... just the thing I want to do after killing myself over a test a few hours before hand.

I'm going to bed... fuck school...