Sweet Home Alabama!
I'm going home to Alabama this weekend.. helping the ol' folks move into their home :)
Closing on the House isn't for a few more days which my mom is super duper excited about, but we get to move everything into it's place.
I may have to go back and decorate my room!! hahaha... all that shit from high school.
Anyway, I'm sure there will be a shit ton of stuff I will have forgotten I had. I can't wait to see the house completed!! It makes me happy when my parents are happy.
I love you Mom and Dad!!
P.S. (to someone that hates me) Thank you for an entire post dedicated completely to the thought of making me look like an ass. I really appreciate it. Having something dedicated to me makes me feel so special be it because you dislike me or like me. It means that I have some sort of special spot in your life/heart. I feel special. Thank you. Now you have a special spot in my heart. Can you feel the love emminating from all of this!! I feel so much closer to you now!!
Ahhh... bitter sarcasm. I LOVE IT!!!