Sunday, May 21, 2006

Line of Command

As much as I love working at the animal hospital... some times it just gets so stressful.

There is always DRAMA!!! My goodness!

I personally don't have a lot of problems with anyone. Sure there are some things about people that irk me, but I don't complain.... much.... to anyone but a few select people.

So here is some of the drama currently happening:
So Dr. W is one of the relief doctors that comes in on mondays and wednesdays. She is the weirdest and most.... there isn't even a word to describe it. Here are some examples:
1. She tells a tech something to do with a cat or dog and then completely leaves them all alone to do it. Umm...that's not right.
2. She makes the worst diagnosis for every case.
3. She's LAZY!!!!

These are just a FEW things worng. And another relief doctor, Dr. H, is the greatest ever! And they are firing her.... because she only works one day a week. Something isn't right here.

I thought having a professional atomosphere, which the vet has always tried to uphold, means everyone has respect for everyone... whether you like it or not. Not happening with this situation.

I always try to stay out of the drama (but I do want to know what is going on...). However, I seem to have found so drama myself. I am not lazy when it comes to work. If someone asks me to do something I try to do it to the best of my ability. Yesterday (Saturday) was soooooo busy!! Saturdays are always busy. However, one of the receptionists did not show up for work. So alot was backed up when one of the techs went to help out up front (on her own accord... it is not her job to do that). Around 11, the kennel needed to be started and we were all very very busy. So I was instructed by said tech to go down to the kennel with another inexperienced tech (side note: Yes, I am still inexperienced even though I have been there a while. I am not full time.) to clean. We walked the dogs, cleaned their cages, and cleaned the runs. Because it was so busy, I had to keep going back upstairs to help. I kept being dragged into rooms when I was about to go back downstairs to clean. All in all, I walked two dogs and double check the other techs work. (Side note: I have never done the kennels by myself before, so I didn't know everything that was needed to be done.) The grates and dishes weren't cleaned and floor not mopped.

Ok.... I take some of the responsibility for over looking those things. But said tech NEVER checked up on my work... NEVER!! And when she came back in later that night to do treatments and such... she claimed she was there for over 3 hours cleaning and shit. I'm sorry, but had you checked on me, an inexperienced tech who was never really "trained" about kennels other than walking dogs and cleaning cages, and told me what else needed to be done. I would have done it. But you do NOT need to call one of the other techs to complain about it. Call me... it was "my" fault anyway. One of my friend techs forewarned me that said tech would be "talking" me about. I doubt she would tell the head tech though because she never checked up on me and she would get talked to about that... but whatever. I hate drama... I really do.


Blogger Dave said...

yeah it sucks, but in three months no one will even remember that little situation but you ;)

6:27 PM  

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