Tuesday, May 10, 2005

It's been fun...

I'm glad I took off from studying and went to Kat and Gary's this weekend for Mother's day. Gary's parents and my parents came up....

It was fun. Gary's made his awesome steaks (Mmmmm...) and Kat made the side dishes (Mmmmm...). I consumed all the wine (well, not really... just two glasses). Anyway, it was a good Mother's Day (and my dad's B-day "party").

So I called work and just found out that I'll be starting work THIS Thursday... I was supposed to start on Monday the 16th. *hhhmmm.... calling Vet right now and talking to Dawn* Ok, so apparently the first time I talked to her I said I wanted to work on the 12th, then last month I changed my mind. Well, I'm gonna go with the 12th since that'll being in more money...wwhahaha. And they are playing around with the schedule (Amy came back to work... yay!!!!!!!), so as along as to 10 to 5 isn't a permanent thing, I think I'll be okay. But hey! 10 to 5 might not be so bad, I could end up liking it.

I have a second job!! Jon/Kat is hiring me to do some data entry stuff... should be "fun" aka easy money. It'll be nice pocket/savings change. Hmmm.... anything else?

I THINK I plan on talking to Dr. Smith about talking to Dr. Greenwood (a specialist in orthopedics) about maybe volunteering. Dr. Greenwood is also a friend from high school's dad. I toured his practice last year and watched him perform a TPLO (Tibial Plateu Leveling Osteonomy (sp?)). It was quite exciting!! I would love to just volunteer on weekends (since that would be the only time available).

History Final is today in T minus 5 hours. YIKES! I'll be done with my first year of college! This is a little scary. And I'm ssssssooooo close to have all A's this semester. I'll be hurt if I get a B in History. Ok... I need to cram for this!!

Until next time!


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