Monday, May 23, 2005


I've had a lot of trouble sleeping. I think I know the reason(s).
-the thoughts of a certain someone
-the pure fact that I'm an insomniac
-my bed is uncomfortable

I believe that the first two reasons are the most logical explainations.

I'm not going to lie; I think about him and our parting. It was so confusing and still is. I'm pretty sure it all meant that he still cares for me a great deal.... but as a friend.... that is if friends kiss?? I know I should just keep this either to myself and/or just not think about it at all. All I really want to do is call him and figure this all out, but 1. I'm scared of the outcome (good or bad) and 2. this really isn't the type of conversation to have over the phone. This is a personal matter and should be dealt with in a personal way... haha.. I just said personal matter. Then why am I so compelled to write this where everyone can see it?

Why am I so compelled to think about this at all!!?

I just took some tylenol pm... I am really hoping that this will help. I have to go to work in 9 hours. hhmmm... I think I can get those 6 hours of sleep that bottles tells me I need.

Maybe I should stop taking naps in the middle of the day.

I have no energy though... I need to exercise damn it!

I need......

to sleep.

"I still got sand in my shoes and I can't shake the thought of you"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm... a few thoughts:

"it all meant that he still cares for me a great deal.... but as a friend.... that is if friends kiss??"
You could always be friends with benefits. ;-)

"Why am I so compelled to think about this at all!!?"
Because you're Ginnie.

"I just took some tylenol pm... I am really hoping that this will help."
Yeah... don't start taking nighttime cold medicine to try and sleep. Very bad.

"I have no energy though... I need to exercise damn it!"
Actually, you should. It will help you be more energetic during the day and sleep better at night. If your body is used to getting regular exercise, you will drag through the day and have trouble sleeping at night.

Oh yeah... and cut out caffiene. That always helps.

10:29 PM  

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