Thursday, May 19, 2005


Well, here I am again, bored, as usual. I need to find a hobby. Maybe once my hand if healed I'll start up embordering again. The swelling has gone down a lot and I can type without it hurting which is nice.

Anyway, the one thing I love about my job is the gossip. I'm not going to relay much of any info so don't hold your breath. However, lets just say I've gotten a little bit of taste of what really goes on in a veterinary practice: 1. somebody stealing meds and food for their own gain 2. the piss ass amount of money the techs are given of which some must raise families 3. the crazy ass clients that .... well.... are just that crazy 4. the clients that can't pay and the above all thing that pisses me off ....... 5. the clients that can't afford to take care of their pets.
Oh yes, let's not forget that spaying pregnant cats.... is quite sad.

Rule of thumb for all you animal lovers (rich and poor): if you can't afford a simple examination for your pet, then don't own one. Please.

Well, I think I'm done ranting about work for now. I'm beginning to wonder if practional veterinary medicine is for me. I understand all of the ups and downs of the trade... it's not the euthinizing (sp?) of animals or the aborting of puppies or kittens, the dealing with crazy clients, the injuries from being bitten.... I guess... I'm not sure.
I thought I was sure about what I wanted to do with my life, but now it just seems to be a big blur. I know I belong in the Veterinary Field... but I don't know where.


Blogger Dave said...

Can't stand people that decide to get a pet without regard for what it takes to care for one.

2:58 PM  

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