Monday, May 30, 2005

Memorial Day

Ok... so it's memorial day and I'm sitting at my sister's with the gang/group.
Derek was kind enough to cook....... again.
Unfortunately everyone decided to eat all the sandwhiches before I could get to them. ggrrrr.
inconsiderate bastards!! jk
good news i got to eat the cobbler first.

Anyway, tomorrow after work I think I will go get that Rec pass for the pool.

New resolution: I will not be calling raquetball guy until he starts calling me. I've realized that I am the only one doing the talking. I know that he is always happy to hear from me, but seriously. If this is only going to be a one sided thing.. then it's not worth it. I believe that everyone would agree with me on this. Right?

Anyway, so work is going alright. OH! WE HAVE STRAY KITTENS! PLEASE TAKE ONE!!!

I love workin for the vet.... lots of money (especialy compared to Bruster's)
However, I feel like I keep spending all my money... damn new apartment. At least I got lots of cool things now.

Alrighty... back to having fun!

BTW... i'm sorry that i haven't had any profound blogs

Friday, May 27, 2005

OK, so I have vowed that once the pool opens on memorial day I will buy a rec pass and swim... a lot. Since my knees have decided to give out on me while running, running it out of the question for a while.

I'm tired as all get out.... I need to work on data entry stuff

Monday, May 23, 2005


I've had a lot of trouble sleeping. I think I know the reason(s).
-the thoughts of a certain someone
-the pure fact that I'm an insomniac
-my bed is uncomfortable

I believe that the first two reasons are the most logical explainations.

I'm not going to lie; I think about him and our parting. It was so confusing and still is. I'm pretty sure it all meant that he still cares for me a great deal.... but as a friend.... that is if friends kiss?? I know I should just keep this either to myself and/or just not think about it at all. All I really want to do is call him and figure this all out, but 1. I'm scared of the outcome (good or bad) and 2. this really isn't the type of conversation to have over the phone. This is a personal matter and should be dealt with in a personal way... haha.. I just said personal matter. Then why am I so compelled to write this where everyone can see it?

Why am I so compelled to think about this at all!!?

I just took some tylenol pm... I am really hoping that this will help. I have to go to work in 9 hours. hhmmm... I think I can get those 6 hours of sleep that bottles tells me I need.

Maybe I should stop taking naps in the middle of the day.

I have no energy though... I need to exercise damn it!

I need......

to sleep.

"I still got sand in my shoes and I can't shake the thought of you"

Thursday, May 19, 2005


Well, here I am again, bored, as usual. I need to find a hobby. Maybe once my hand if healed I'll start up embordering again. The swelling has gone down a lot and I can type without it hurting which is nice.

Anyway, the one thing I love about my job is the gossip. I'm not going to relay much of any info so don't hold your breath. However, lets just say I've gotten a little bit of taste of what really goes on in a veterinary practice: 1. somebody stealing meds and food for their own gain 2. the piss ass amount of money the techs are given of which some must raise families 3. the crazy ass clients that .... well.... are just that crazy 4. the clients that can't pay and the above all thing that pisses me off ....... 5. the clients that can't afford to take care of their pets.
Oh yes, let's not forget that spaying pregnant cats.... is quite sad.

Rule of thumb for all you animal lovers (rich and poor): if you can't afford a simple examination for your pet, then don't own one. Please.

Well, I think I'm done ranting about work for now. I'm beginning to wonder if practional veterinary medicine is for me. I understand all of the ups and downs of the trade... it's not the euthinizing (sp?) of animals or the aborting of puppies or kittens, the dealing with crazy clients, the injuries from being bitten.... I guess... I'm not sure.
I thought I was sure about what I wanted to do with my life, but now it just seems to be a big blur. I know I belong in the Veterinary Field... but I don't know where.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Fun animal stories

Haha, well, a few things are quite funny.
First, yesterday I was bit by a chihuahua. Now my middle finger on my right hand is all puffy and inflammed and shit... quite fun... then today a mean cat decided to taste tumb a la ginnie which is quite delicious from what I hear. So basically the cat's canine's punctured my muscles in my hand rendering my right hand completely useless. No, seriously, it hurts a lot to type right now. That's how much it hurts and the reasoning for a possibly short blog

In other news, what do you get when you cross a white shaggy dog and a chocolate lab?

Answer: Well, find out in about 4 months unless this lab was spayed!!! HAHAHAHAHA... yeah this dog was just humping the hell of this lab which had no escape cuz it was tied up in the neighbor's yard. I attempted at separating them but I thought it wise not to since I've had my animal bites in for the week. That and I didn't know if the dogs had their rabies shots... which I highly doubt they have.

Oh man!! This couple brought in their dog cuz it was very lathargic and not eating.... it has parvo, a nasty virus that gives you bloddy diuhrrea (sp?). And guess what!!? It is a wolf hybrid... which is illegal in the state of georgia. It is the cutest thing you have ever seen though. It's still a pup. My best guess would have to be it is less than a year old. you can tell is a wolf from the coloring and the teeth... the incrediblly small cute ears... the tail... well, you get the pic.

btw... i went to the doctor about the animal bites and i am on antibiotics. hmmmm...

I'm really restless right now... so much on my mind. I guess I will try to sleep... my hands hurts... so do my feelings.

Friday, May 13, 2005


Ok, I am very tired, so I will try to make this quick.

I went back to work on Thursday at the Vet Clinic, and I was very glad to be back and making some money. I just found out that Cathy will be coming to UGA for her Master's in the Spring!! I'm so excited!!! Cathy is really fun to hang out with and is amazing at quizzing me on my medical knowledge... We are both nerds.... shut up!

So, I'm starting my new job with Jon.... data entry and stuff. It will be nice having some pocket change for once. Earning about 50 to 100 bucks a week (in addition to my 250-300 a week for vet teching stuff). I LOVE IT!!! WWHAHAHAHA!!! I have money!!! And I won't be spending a cent! Well, I'll try not to at least.

Ok... so I'm back tracking here:
I didn't get to say too many good byes to my friends, but the ones I did get in will be the most cherished (especially the good byes with a certain someone ;) ). But I will see them next year and I hope to keep in good touch with all of them!! I can't wait til next semester!

Things I look forward to during the summer:
Packing for my apartment
Shopping for my apartment
Working (both my jobs... which in turn I earn mucho money)
Losing weight???

Well, I'm tired.... until next time!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Funny but cruel night...

Alright, so I think that I did pretty well on my History final, and I have most everything packed up in the car.....

all I'm gonna do now is go to subway and then wait around to go downtown.

Funny scenerio #1:
Scene: Ginnie walks into the subway stage right. Two people, an African American girl and a relatively tall boy.
Girl: May I take your order.
Ginnie: Yes, a tuna 6 inch on wheat, no cheese, not heated.
Girl: Ok.
Boy: Hey, she looks like (enter name of another employee who is apparently very pretty... or so the Girl comments).
Girl: Oh, yes a little bit.
*Ginnie makes weird face*
Girl: Oh, don't worry she is very pretty.
Ginnie: Thanx.
*Girl is making the sandwhich and passes it down to the boy to have the toppings put on*
Boy: What would you like on your sub?
Ginnie: lettuce, tomatoe, vinegar, and oregano
*Boy adds toppings and wraps sub*
*Boy then proceeds to ring Ginnie up at the register*
Boy: What year are you?
Ginnie: Freshman... well, sophomore now.
Boy: cool. can I ask you a personal question?
Ginnie: uuuuummm, sure
Boy: Do you have a boyfriend?
Ginnie: uuuummm, no (definitely not in a flirtatous manner)
Boy: well, I just broke up with my girl friend, and I'm kinda lonely. Can I get your number?
Ginnie: *thinking to self: he did not just ask for my number with that "pick up" line* Well, how bout I get your screen name and we can talk
Boy: Ok *writes down screen name on napkin*
Ginnie: Alright, I'll talk to you later
Boy: Ok

So I enter the screen name onto the AIM buddy list to check out his profile... what is this!!? He is on facebook. I search and he is in the band (well, used to be). I talk to Brett. Turns out this guy is a real slime ball. So I deleted him from my buddy list.

Not so funny scenerio #2:
Scene: It is the last day of finals.... Ginnie is sitting alone in her dorm room.
WAIT!!?? Crystal just came in and asked if she wanted to go downtown!!!!! YES!!! THERE IS HOPE!!! More later....

It's been fun...

I'm glad I took off from studying and went to Kat and Gary's this weekend for Mother's day. Gary's parents and my parents came up....

It was fun. Gary's made his awesome steaks (Mmmmm...) and Kat made the side dishes (Mmmmm...). I consumed all the wine (well, not really... just two glasses). Anyway, it was a good Mother's Day (and my dad's B-day "party").

So I called work and just found out that I'll be starting work THIS Thursday... I was supposed to start on Monday the 16th. *hhhmmm.... calling Vet right now and talking to Dawn* Ok, so apparently the first time I talked to her I said I wanted to work on the 12th, then last month I changed my mind. Well, I'm gonna go with the 12th since that'll being in more money...wwhahaha. And they are playing around with the schedule (Amy came back to work... yay!!!!!!!), so as along as to 10 to 5 isn't a permanent thing, I think I'll be okay. But hey! 10 to 5 might not be so bad, I could end up liking it.

I have a second job!! Jon/Kat is hiring me to do some data entry stuff... should be "fun" aka easy money. It'll be nice pocket/savings change. Hmmm.... anything else?

I THINK I plan on talking to Dr. Smith about talking to Dr. Greenwood (a specialist in orthopedics) about maybe volunteering. Dr. Greenwood is also a friend from high school's dad. I toured his practice last year and watched him perform a TPLO (Tibial Plateu Leveling Osteonomy (sp?)). It was quite exciting!! I would love to just volunteer on weekends (since that would be the only time available).

History Final is today in T minus 5 hours. YIKES! I'll be done with my first year of college! This is a little scary. And I'm ssssssooooo close to have all A's this semester. I'll be hurt if I get a B in History. Ok... I need to cram for this!!

Until next time!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Weekend thus far...

So.... I made the flag line again... yay!!!!!
I wasn't too worried about it, except for the fact that I had a little bit of a headache and nausea from the night before.

Emmy is moved completely out and is now enjoying sleeping in her bed at home and showering without shower shoes. drat. Now I'm stuck here in this crummy place all by myself. Half my hall is gone too. It's a little depressing.

Today is mother's day. yay! I'm going to my sister's where we'll be celebrating both mother's day and my dad's birthday (52.... ouch). I told him he has another 8 years until he becomes a senior citizen....hahahahahaha. dang. That's when I graduated from Vet school (well, hopefully a year after that).

Any how, I've started making time lines for history. Yes, I know I am a nerd, but I have to do really really well on this final to keep my straight A's. Again, yes, I know that I am a nerd.

Well, I'm going to pack up even more shit that I don't need and head out to my sister's for the evening. I shall return monday morning/afternoon.

Friday, May 06, 2005

I was quite...

Well... I SHOULD be studying for my History final....

But instead I shall enlighten you with my experience with finals so far.

English was on Wednesday from 7 to 10pm.... I finished at 9. I was quite surprised with myself. I preped for only one topic (they give you 10!! What are the odds that the one I prep for will not be on there... slim to none). The topic I prepped for wasn't the EXACT one, but it was close enough that I could bull shit my way through. I was quite pleased. That is the last english essay I will EVER have to write. Again... I was quite happy.

Chemistry was Thursday (yesterday) 7 to 10pm. HOLY SHIT!!! That thing was a hell of a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. Atwood was in there "proctoring" us. I stared him down for a good ten minutes of the final...... it took me the full three hours to finish that final and I didn't even get to look over my answers. I was quite pissed.
Afterwards Bonnie and I went to Snelling (along with the other half the school) to get some coffee and pizza... not a bad combo for 10 at night.

Today was Biology. Since I had to get a 90 on the final to get an A, I studied my ass off. Let's just say that I have seen ever question on the final before I entered the room. By studying all of the practice tests and tests from this semester (we get to keep the copy of the test), I basically aced the exam... it took me just under an hour to finish all 100 questions. I was QUITE pleased.

Now for the "unpleasant" part.... History. I don't take that final until Tuesday. But I have to get an 85 on the final to make an A in the class. Since I believe this will be my only B, my GPA won't suffer too much. But I will try to think positive and study my ass off from now until Tuesday.

But what about partying!!!??? I will try to get some in before the time comes for me to vamoose out of this place. Tomorrow is Flag line auditions (they know I'm good... so why do I have to try out again!!? Grrrrrrr.....). So if/when I go out tonite, I will have to "be good." I have spun a flag hung over before.... it be NOT fun (Bowl was new year's!!!! I couldn't help it). I can only imagine what LEARNING new flag work and then spinning would feel like.

Anyway, I'm gonna start reading for History... uuuurrrgggg.

Then.... Dan's 21st B-day party!! *Thinking - 2 drink minumum for tonite. hahahahahahah... riiiiiight. that'll happen*

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Things I've learned so far this semester

This is nothing academic (for I will forget everything over the summer). I'm talking about college life and just life in general:

Most TA's are a pain in the ass and don't speak English

Jittery Joe's coffee is best at 11pm (Starbuck's works too)

Water and bread are the best things for a hang over

Dry heeving (sp?) sucks (You know this one all too well, Jon)

Friend's 21st Birthday's are awesome

Any kind of party is fun

Have a goodly supply of mini trashbags when driving drunk people home (they might just throw up)

Getting all A's is very hard to do (but do-able!!!)

PE classes are the best way to meet incredibly great guys ;)

Moving out of the dorms is a hell of a lot easier than moving in

Russell Hall sucks

Classes get in the way of college life

ALWAYS check to see if your alarm clock is off if you will not be returning to your room that night (oops!)

It sucks when you lock yourself out of your room after just taking a shower (slightly embarassing to walk down to front desk in nothing but a robe)

Nobody pays attention to quiet hours

SLC stands for Students Lacking in Concentration

The big fluffy chairs in the SLC are for sleeping... not studying

History professors are the coolest

Prof Atwood and Stanton are two of the biggest douchebags in the chem department

When life throws you lemons.... get some tequila and salt

Pink Panty Pull-Down is an incredible drink (Vodka and Everclear!!!?? What a combo!)

Subway is open til midnight

Without friends, I don't know where I would be (Thanks guys.... I love you!)

Sometimes you just have to go with the flow... go along with life

Laughter is the best thing when stressed

Crying sucks

Florida rocks (not the football team.... as a vacation spot)

Ramen Noodles saved my life more than once

Stalkers are creepy

People keep asking me for advice on girls/relationships.... WHY!? I haven't had one successful relationship (ever!). Here's my philosophy: Deal with it. If you love/like a person very much, then you'll get through it.

Girls (including myself) read too much into things

Hockey games are awesome

Mitch Hedberg... may he rest in peace

The Catholic Center is awesome

The gynob is a scary place (thank goodness it's only once a year!!!!!)

I suck at taking shots

It takes approximately two medium-strong drinks to get my tipsy

I am my father's daughter

I don't pick up after myself (much)

I drink powerade and water like it's going out of style

I started planning my apartment right when I signed my lease

3 months from today Band Camp starts (SWEET!!)

Taxes suck

Don't belive everything you hear

Looks can be deceiving

Don't blindly trust your leaders

Always smile, you never know who's looking

The dining halls are okay

Always remember to have a little fun.... school is important, but if you don't have fun, then what is the point?

These are the best days of our lives

Monday, May 02, 2005

The system is no longer fucked

It's happy dance time!!

Even though my English grade might be a B, there is a good chance that the History grade might be an A!!Here is the following email conversation *NOTE: you must read the bottom message first and work way up... sorry*

Ginnie-- I'm certainly convinced that you took it. I hate to make you do it again, but that might indeed be the easiest solution at this point. Why don't you drop by my office a few minutes before the review session -- LeConte 111. Sorry about this! JI

---- Original message ---->Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 15:39:51 -0400>From: >Subject: Re: missing quiz >To: John Inscoe >">>>

It was the Praying for Sheetrock quiz. I sent out an email
>to all the TA's asking for them to look through their
>stacks. I even gave a description of my quiz cuz I made a
>big mistake. I've only heard back from Mao (my TA) and
>James, both of whom have not found my quiz.
>>I don't know how I can prove I was there (unless attendence
>was taken) but maybe this will help: I messed up on the
>second or thrid question which asked about what character I
>thought was most memorable besides Tom Poppel and Alston
>Thurnell. I accidently misread the question and answered
>why I thought Alston Thurnell was most memorable. After I
>realized my mistake I scratched it all out (in blue ink) and
>wrote my real answer - Revrend Grovner was the most
>memorable in my opinion (next to Thurnell and Poppell).
>>Somehow I don't think very many quizzes had that on there. I
>doubt this really proves that I took the quiz, but if there
>is any other way, I will do it. Maybe I can retake the quiz
>tomorrow during the review session.

>>---- Original message ---->>Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 15:25:42 -0400>>From: John Inscoe >>Subject: Re: missing quiz >>To:>>>>

Ginnie-- Don't worry; we'll get this straightened out. Can
>>you clarify which quiz you're referring to? Was it Flags of
>>Our Fathers? That was the other one, along w/ Praying for
>>Sheetrock, that I think the TA's passed back on Thursday. >JI >>

>>>>---- Original message ---->>>Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 15:17:45 -0400>>>From: >>>Subject: missing quiz >>>To:>>>>>>

Professor Inscoe,
>>>>>>My name is Virginia Rose Poorbaugh. I attend your
>>>Tuesday/Thursday 2:00 - 3:15pm lecture class. This past
>>>Thursday, April 28th, we received our term paper and
>Praying For Sheetrock quiz. However, according to my TA, my book
>>>quiz was misplaced, I never received a grade, and my TA
>>>never got a quiz to grade. I was, without a doubt,
>present the day we took the quiz. My TA, Mao Lin, said that maybe
>>>the quiz mistakenly was mixed with another TAs. I can only
>>>hope that this happened. Otherwise, Mao said that he must
>>>assume that I did not take the quiz and therefore, I would
>>>receive a zero.
I wish to have this speedily taken care of and without
>>>trouble. But I do not want to receive a zero for a quiz
>>>that I took (unless that is the grade I deserve for
>>>incorrectly answering the questions). I should not have to
>>>be penalized for the TAs misplacing my quiz.
>>>>>>I hope there is some way to take care of this situation.>
>>>Virginia Poorbaugh

Oh wow.... How joyous!!!! So I will definitely only have to make an 85 on the final instead of a 109... I think that is feesable (sp?)

Do a little dance
Making a little love
Get down tonight
Get down tonight

I'll be getting down with chemistry tonite... even more fun!! Whoohoo!!